

The minutes presented below are unapproved , subject to corrections and/or additions at the next Selectboard meeting. Those corrections and/or additions will be written to the original minutes. If you, the viewer, wish to personally see those changes, you will need to go to the Fairfax Town Office to view those changes as written on the original paper copy.

Any time the Selectboard "amends" the previous weeks' minutes, there will be a statement to that effect in the minutes of the meeting at which the "amending" occurred.



MONDAY, July, 11, 2011


Selectboard Members Present: Bill Ormerod, Bob Horr and Randy DeVine.

Public Present: N/A

Call to Order: Bill called the meeting to order at 6:29 PM.


6:33 PM Don Pigeon – Road Foreman

The new truck is 100% complete and on the road as of July 7th. The highway crew did a lot of the work getting the truck ready for the road e.g. lights, dump body. Don will have a final figure for the SB at the August 1st meeting. They have started stockpiling sand for the coming winter. Don talked with Jim Cota regarding confirmation of money for the Class II resurfacing grant. The final bill has been sent into FEMA for payment of work performed for the damage done in last winter’s storm. Don said that 14-15 trees were down from the storm last Wednesday 7/6/11. The covered bridge damage from the detour last summer was discussed. It was decided it would be best to do the work prior to school being in session in September.

(A deviation from the agenda: Randy went before Skip as Skip was busy with a customer.)

6:55 PM Randy DeVine – Water & Sewer Superintendent

Cody Lewis has been hired by Randy to do some projects as Paul is busy with haying. Randy has been having Cody paint the hydrants and flushing units and weeding and trimming around the lagoons. He has started manhole inspections with four complete on Hunt Street. He will put the information in a database. The water use summary was reviewed for June with an average daily demand. A tree fell on the fence at the water control building with an estimated damage repair of $575.00. We will submit a bill to VLCT. Alternative water source sites were again discussed.

7:10 PM Skip Taylor – Zoning Administrator

Skip handed out his Activity Report for the time period of June 6 through July 11, 2011. Fifteen new permits were issued, three for new homes. Skip has been in touch with IVS concerning the parcel map cleanup to finish up that project. There is a new person on the job and as soon as he gets up to speed will finish the job. A bylaw amendment review will take place on August 15. The land committee continues to search for land to house a municipal building. The new state regulations regarding salvage yards was discussed. Skip stated that he is unable to attend the Regional Energy Committee meetings and would like the Board to replace him as a representative.

Randy made the motion to approve the minutes as written.

Bob seconds. Motion carries. Vote 3-0

Minutes 6/29/11

Bob made the motion to approve the minutes as written.

Randy seconds. Motion carries. Vote 3-0

Orders & Purchase Orders: Reviewed by Randy.


1. State of Vermont education rate received dated 7/5/11.

2. PACIF Member Memorandum, July 6, 2011

3. Regulatory Seminar, Tuesday, July 19, 2011 in Montpelier.

4. Sheriff schedule for the week of July 11 through July 17, 2011.

5. Invoices were reviewed and approved for payment: Brandy Saxton PlaceSense; Walsh and Monaghan; Stitzel, Page & Fletcher.

Other Business:

1. A letter was written to the Young’s regarding termination of the contract for the land acquisition. It was agreed by the Board to sign the letter of termination.

Executive Session:

*Bob made a motion to enter into executive session at 8:10 PM, without the assistant present, to discuss legal matters.

Randy seconds the motion. No discussion. Motion carries. Vote 3-0.

Exit Executive Session:

*Bob made a motion to exit executive session at 8:20 PM. Randy seconds the motion. Motion carries. Vote 3-0.


*Bob made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 PM. Randy seconds the motion. Motion carries. Vote 3-0.

(Pertinent information for the last two motions provided by Bill Ormerod-Chair).

Respectfully, submitted by Stacy Wells, Adm. Asst.


William Ormerod - Chair


* Motion

The above minutes are unapproved , subject to amendment.

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