

The minutes presented below are unapproved , subject to corrections and/or additions at the next Selectboard meeting. Those corrections and/or additions will be written to the original minutes. If you, the viewer, wish to personally see those changes, you will need to go to the Fairfax Town Office to view those changes as written on the original paper copy.

Any time the Selectboard "amends" the previous weeks' minutes, there will be a statement to that effect in the minutes of the meeting at which the "amending" occurred.

Fairfax Selectboard Minutes of 10/20/08

Selectboard Members present: Judy Cleary, Bill Ormerod, Charlie Swanson, Randy DeVine and Bob Horr. Staff Members present: Erin McSweeney, Administrative Assistant to the Selectboard, and Donna Meunier, Town Clerk / Treasurer. Public Present: Melissa Beerworth

1.Call to Order

Judy Cleary, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 7:00PM.

2. Minutes

A. Charlie motioned to accept the minutes from the meeting on October 6, 2008, as written. Randy seconded. All board members voted in accepting the minutes from October 6, 2008, as written.

B. Bob motioned to accept the minutes from the meeting on October 13, 2008, as written. Charlie seconded. Bob offered one amendment. All board members voted in favor of accepting the minutes as amended.

3. Items on the Agenda

A. Donna Meunier - When the board returned to public session, Donna indicated that she would like to appoint Deborah Woodward to the position of Assistant Town Clerk / Assistant Town Treasurer for the purpose of training for the permanent position of Town Clerk / Town Treasurer. Bill motioned to offer Deborah Woodward an hourly rate of $14.75 for the position of Assistant Town Clerk / Assistant Treasurer including benefits, since it is a full-time position. Bob seconded. 4 board members voted in favor, and one board member was opposed.

B. Randy Devine - Randy reviewed following reports: the VT Water System Operations Report for September 2008, the Water Usage Summary Report for September 2008, Phosphorus Monitoring Report for September 2008, Permit Monitoring Information for September 2008, Operations Report for Aerated Lagoons for September 2008, and the Quarterly Report from Vermont Residuals Management.

Randy informed the board that he and Paul Langelier will be cleaning out the air lines for all of the lagoons at the Wastewater Treatment Facility.

Randy and the board reviewed the revised Sewer Status Report. The report has been updated to include the preliminary allocations that have been awarded to Bernard & Dorothy Keefe, Jim Meunier for the Mountainview Apartments, and Gabe Handy for Old Academy Street.

Randy discussed the application that was approved for a preliminary sewer allocation of 3,000 gallons for Gabe Handy. Randy wanted clarification on the amount of gallons he requested. Erin informed him that Gabe indicated that the 3,000 gallons included infiltration. Erin informed the board that although the application states that the allocation will be used for 10 condos, Gabe indicated that the allocation may in fact be for 13 condo units. The board would like Gabe to amend the existing application to reflect 13 condo units, and to initial any changes he makes to the application.

Randy informed the board that Paul Lavallee has read all of the meters for the water accounts on his list. Paul Langelier has 5 left to be read, and Randy has 9 remaining. Randy will meet with Gabe Handy on Tuesday to read the meters at the Senior Housing building.

4. Other Business

A. The board reviewed a request from Rob Cioffi, who would like a one year extension on a building permit he has obtained for the Pleasant Woods Planned Community that was issued on October 31, 2006.

Bill motioned to deny the request for the extension of the existing building permit. However, should they immediately apply for a new building permit, and pay the building permit fee, the impact fees will be waived. Bob seconded. One board member voted in favor, and 4 board members were opposed. The motion did not pass.

Charlie motioned to deny the request for the extension of the existing building permit. However, should they apply for a new building permit, and pay the building permit fee, the impact fees will be waived. Bob seconded. 4 board members voted in favor, and one board member was opposed.

B. The board reviewed a sample agreement from American Retroworks for the collection of electronics at future Household Hazardous Waste Days, and the invoice from APT Environmental.

C. Erin has spoken to Jeff Fehrs of the Waste Management Division regarding the Solid Waste Implementation Plan. Jeff offered recommendations for revising the Plan. Erin will contact All-Cycle for assistance.

D. Bill motioned to approve the Fairfax Hazard Mitigation Plan and sign the resolution of it's adoption. Charlie seconded. All board members voted in favor. All of the board members signed the resolution.

E. Judy gave the board an update on the utility easements for the Handy project.

F. Judy gave the board an update on Ledge Road.

G. The board discussed information from the Vermont League of Cities and Towns regarding potential cuts to highway funding.

Bob motioned to send the resolution opposing the proposed cuts in funding to the local legislatures. Charlie seconded. All board members voted in favor.

H. Bob informed the board that he has spoken with Chris Santee regarding publishing the delinquent sewer account list in the Fairfax News. By consensus, the board will include accounts that are delinquent for 2 quarters or more on the list.

I. Erin will inform Henry Raymond and Chris Santee that recycle bins will be available on Election Day.

J. Bob motioned to apply for the Municipal Planning Grant, and hire the Northwest Regional Planning Commission to revise the Zoning By-Laws. Bill seconded. All board members voted in favor.

5. Public Input

There was no public input this evening.

6. Executive Session

A. Bob motioned to enter Executive Session at 7:02PM to interview prospective candidates for the Town Clerk / Treasurer position. Randy seconded. The board entered Executive Session at 7:02PM.

B. Bob motioned to return to public session at 8:54PM. Charlie seconded. The board returned to public session at 8:54PM.

7. Adjournment

Bob motioned to adjourn the meeting at 10:40PM. Randy seconded. All board members voted in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 10:40PM.

Erin McSweeney, Administrative Assistant to the Selectboard



The above minutes are unapproved , subject to amendment.

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