

The minutes presented below are unapproved , subject to corrections and/or additions at the next Selectboard meeting. Those corrections and/or additions will be written to the original minutes. If you, the viewer, wish to personally see those changes, you will need to go to the Fairfax Town Office to view those changes as written on the original paper copy.

Any time the Selectboard "amends" the previous weeks' minutes, there will be a statement to that effect in the minutes of the meeting at which the "amending" occurred.



MONDAY, November 7, 2011


Selectboard Members Present: Bill Ormerod, Bob Horr, Peter King and Chris Santee; Randy came in at 7:13 PM.

Public Present: Steve Bessette, Emergency Coordinator; Michael Spaulding and Dan Vanslette, Fairfax Rescue; Don Pigeon, Road Foreman; Skip Taylor, Zoning Administrator.

Call to Order: Bill called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.


Don Pigeon – Road Foreman

Don asked the Board if there is money in the highway budget to purchase fencing. He would like to put fencing on the back side of the town garage as a deterrent to trespassers. F.E. Hart gave him the best price at approximately $3,300.00, if he installs it himself.

*Bob made the motion to allocate $2,000.00 from the tree removal fund and the balance due of $1,300.00 from the garage maintenance line item to F.E. Hart for the purchase of the fence.

Peter seconded the motion. Discussion. Motion carried. Vote 4-0-0

A memo will be sent to the treasurer of the Board’s approval for this transaction.

Don met with Jim Cota at the AOT District 8 office in St. Albans to close out the Class 2 resurfacing grant. All the paperwork was intact, Jim signed off on it, and it will be submitted into Montpelier. The covered bridge Structures Grant was discussed. Don contacted Jan Lewandoski who will perform the work starting November 15th. Once the repairs are complete, the $7,800 grant for that work will be submitted for payment.

Skip Taylor - Zoning Administrator

Skip handed out his activity report for the time period of 10/4/11 through 11/7/11. The mapping project with IVS was discussed. A letter from the Town’s Attorney will be sent to Heindel & Noyes, Inc., with terms for recovery of funds and a deadline of December 31, 2011.

The following DRB and PC Board members are up for reappointment:

Development Review Board -

Jason Heyer – 4 year term:

Bob made the motion to reappoint Jason Heyer to a 4 year term.

Peter seconded the motion. Motion carries. Vote 5-0-0

Lucien Hayes (alt.)- 2 year term:

Bob made the motion to reappoint Lucien Hayes to a 2 year term as an alternate. Peter seconded the motion. Motion carries. Vote 5-0-0

Planning Commission -

Mark Hunziker 4 year term:

Peter made the motion to reappoint Mark to a 4 year term to the PC.

Bob seconded the motion. Motion carries. Vote 5-0-0

Richard Wimble 4 year term:

Peter made the motion to reappoint Richard to a 4 year term to the PC.

Bob seconded the motion. Motion carries. Vote 5-0-0

(The reappointments will be retroactive to the date of expiration.)

Skip would like the Board’s permission to start working three days a week after Thanksgiving. He will work Monday, Tuesday and Thursday through the winter months. Martha will continue to work Monday through Thursday. The Board agreed to this.

Randy DeVine – Water & Sewer Superintendent

Month of October: There was a problem with one of the lagoons not draining properly. A new strategy of back-feeding, reversing the direction of one lagoon into another seemed to work. There were a lot of pine needles and other debris that had collected causing the pipe to plug. The water system was flushed; the meters were read, with the exception of seven due to inaccessibility; the lawnmower has been put up and maintenance on the snow blower has been performed and it’s ready for winter. Bob and Randy will attend a meeting with the EPA and DEC on November 14th in Middlesex.

Steve Bessette – Emergency Management Coordinator

Steve came in to talk to the Board on what direction they want him to take with his duties as the EMC. He is busier now with his work schedule and doesn’t have the time that he did before. He stated he’s up-to-date with the radios and licensing. However, he’s unable to attend some of the meetings. The Board discussed this with a resolve that the adm. asst. will attend the meetings that Steve is unable to make. He will let the Board know how many hours a year are spent on this position. The Board expressed their approval in the work that he provides to the town and hopes that he will continue on as the EMC.

Michael Spaulding – Director of Operations Rescue Department

Mike and Dan Vanslette came in this evening as an extension of their meeting on 10/24/11. They have the information the Board requested at the previous meeting. The Board asked that they submit a letter requesting waiving the fees for the water/sewer application as well as the building permit. Bob would like it stated that the water and sewer service shall never become a service other than what its intended use is today.

Allocation for water:

*Peter made a motion to allocate 240 gallons of water a day out of the municipal reserve for the future site of the Rescue Building as long as the building is used for public safety by the rescue department.

Bob seconded the motion. Motion carries. Vote 5-0

Allocation for sewer:

*Peter made a motion to allocate 210 gallons for sewer, with the same stipulations of the building being used for public safety by the rescue. Bob seconded the motion. Discussion: None. Motion carries. Vote 5-0. (The permits are good for two years.)

Minutes 10/24/11:

Chris made a motion to accept the minutes as written.

Randy seconded the motion. Motion carries. Vote 5-0

Other Business:

1. Letter from the Rec. Dept. – on hold.

2. Capital Plan and Budget final revisions reviewed. We will contact PlaceSense with our concerns.

3. Health Insurance: We will review the spreadsheets with the cost analyst at the meeting of 11/14.

4. Town Administrator position: Peter gave an overall view of the job description for this position.

5. Employee Appreciation Dinner:

*Bob made the motion to approve a budget of $300.00 for the EAD.

Peter seconded the motion. Motion carries. Vote 5-0.

6. Rec. Dept. computer, see minutes from 10/24/11, $1,000.00 was motioned for a new computer. However, it will cost an additional $300.00 to purchase the same computer.

*Chris made the motion to amend the previous motion to $1,300.00 for a new computer for the Rec. Dept. Peter seconded the motion. Motion carries. Vote 5-0.

Orders/Purchase Orders: Randy reviewed the orders.


Peter made the motion to adjourn at 9:36 PM.

Randy seconded the motion. Motion carries. Vote 5-0

The minutes were respectfully submitted by Stacy Wells, Administrative Assistant to the Selectboard.


William Ormerod, Chair


This is a memo that was given to Amy, Asst. Treasurer

November 8, 2011





1. Don Pigeon – Road Foreman

Don asked the Board if there is money in the highway budget to purchase fencing. He would like to put fencing on the cemetery side of the town garage to deter people from trespassing. F.E. Hart gave him the best price at approximately $3,300.00 by installing it himself.

*Bob made the motion to allocate $2,000.00 from the “tree removal fund” and the balance due of $1,300.00 from the “garage maintenance” line item to F.E. Hart for the purchase of the fence.

Peter seconded the motion. Discussion. Motion carried. Vote 4-0-0

2.The purchase of a new computer for the Recreation Department was approved at the 10/24/11 SB meeting. The amount approved was $1,000.00. Bill found that he was unable to purchase the same computer, bought earlier in the year, was no longer available at this price. He’s asking the Board to amend the motion from $1,000.00 to $1,300.00 for the purchase of a new computer.

*Bob made the motion to amend the purchase amount for a new computer for the Recreation Department to $1,300.00.

Peter seconded the motion. Discussion: None. Motion carried.

Vote 5-0


Bill Ormerod, Chair

The above minutes are unapproved , subject to amendment.

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