Development Review Board Wednesday, April 6, 2011
MARK AUDETTE Administative
Review for a 2-lot Subdivision on Cherrierville Rd.
Members Present: J. Heyer, M.
Casey, B. Murphy, C. Rainville
Alternates Present: L. Hayes
Public Present: Skip Taylor,
ZA; Mark Audette, Dylan Palmer, William Monahan (representing Lisa Monahan),
Dale Ritter.
7 PM: The
pubic notice was read, introductions made, and all parties were sworn in. Skip explained that the 5.27-acre lot is
somewhat irregularly shaped. The
proposed new lot (Lot 3A) will also be irregularly shaped. The property in 2004 was approved as a PUD
from an original 44 acres. At that time
no restrictions were placed on further development. Skip said the project meets density calculations and dimensional
requirements. He recommended the
subdivision be approved.
Skip had
concerns that one abutter (Ben Palmer) was not notified. The applicant had not supplied all names of
abutters. J. Heyer stated
that Ben Palmer should be allowed to come in to be heard by the board.
Questions from Board Members:
M. Casey asked about ownership of Cedar
Rd. B.
Murphy asked about the
distance of the proposed driveway
on Lot 3A from Cedar Rd. Cedar Rd. was
considered a driveway in accordance to the Subdivision
Bylaws in 2004. She suggested moving
the driveway and the proposed building envelope to avoid the potential for a non-conforming structure
should Cedar Rd. ever be updated to a road. There was discussion
regarding the surveyor’s signature on a survey if the survey is not
‘final’. Skip will check into this with the Vermont League of
Cities and Towns. There was discussion
regarding a ditch across Mr.
Audette’s property. Mr. Audette dug the
ditch to drain excess water from his property.
B. Murphy asked if there was a wetlands delineation on his property?
Meeting open to public input:
Dale Ritter had concerns that Mr. Audette’s property was part of the
original PUD with frontage on Cedar
Rd. and that any future construction should be consistent with the other homes
that have access to Cedar
Rd. He is concerned about property
values and would like any new home to be in the same character as the rest of the homes. B.
Murphy asked if there
were any covenants as to home quality or type? No., only on the maintenance of the
road. Skip explained that the only
restrictions on the property
were by the state (re: septic and well) and that the Town does not specify a
house’s style or standard. The back part of the proposed Lot 3A
borders Mr. Ritter’s property. He would
like some consideration to
leave the back part of Lot 3A as it is.
The area is wet and is outside the building envelope but could have a shed. Does Fairfax have the authority to prevent this? No. Mr. Ritter disagreed
and asked the Town to consider this.
Monahan stated that he
was told that the development on the lots was complete and that no other homes would be built. He is against any further construction on
proposed Lot 3A. Another home would change the character of the area. He also commented on the “significant amount
of water” on Cedar Rd. across
the front of his property.
Dylan Palmer stated his concerns about power and
utilities to his lot. He felt the
underground utilities on the survey were
not accurate.
Skip said
that Lots 1,2,5 and 6 were served by a utility easement on Lot 4. Lot 3 does not have any easements although
there are underground lines on the survey.
B. Murphy requested additional information
from the power company regarding easements and how they might affect the
density calculations.
8:15 PM – B. Murphy moved to recess the hearing until
Wednesday, April 20, 2011 at 8PM; M.
Casey 2nd. All in favor.
Varney, Planning and Zoning Assistant
Date: ________________________________
For the Development Review Board
These minutes are unofficial until
approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting. All motions were unanimously approved unless otherwise indicated.