Members Present: J. Heyer, B. Murphy, J. Beers, C. Rainville

Public Present:  S. Taylor, ZA; M. Varney


7:00 PM    J. Heyer called the meeting to order. M. Varney was introduced as a potential DRB member. She was welcomed by all the Board members.   The minutes from January 20, 2010 and from February 3, 2010

were reviewed. J. Beers made a motion to approve the General Minutes and the Bosley/Thompson Minutes from January 20, 2010.  C. Rainville second.  All in favor.   B. Murphy made a motion to approve the General Minutes from February 3, 2010.  J. Beers second.  All in favor. 


S.   Taylor asked the Board for advice regarding subdividing a property that may need a variance.  After discussing various options, the Board recommended that the property owner wait for the frontage regulations to change, as variances are very difficult to obtain. B. Murphy stated that not all properties can be subdivided.





8:15 PM   J. Beers made a motion to enter deliberative session with M. Varney and S. Taylor present.

C. Rainville second.  All in favor.

8:25 PM   B. Murphy made a motion to exit deliberative session.  The minutes from the Thompson Revision Hearing were reviewed.  B. Murphy made a motion to accept the Thompson Revision Minutes.  C. Rainville second.  All in favor. 

8:25 PM   B. Murphy made a motion to re-enter deliberative session with M. Varney and S. Taylor present. J. Beers second.  All in favor.

8:40 PM   B. Murphy made a motion to exit deliberative session.  J. Beers second.  All in favor. 

8:40 PM   B. Murphy made a motion to adjourn.  J. Beers second.  All in favor. 





Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Raymond, Zoning and Planning Assistant




Approved:  ________________________________  Date:  _________________2010

                    For the Development Review Board



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting. 

All motions were unanimously approved unless otherwise indicated.







Members Present: J. Heyer, B. Murphy, J. Beers, C. Rainville

Public Present: S. Taylor, Z.A; M. Varney; V. Giard Jr.


7:15 PM    Introductions were made, the Public Notice was read, and attendees signed in. Interested parties were sworn in. V. Giard from VMG Environmental Solutions, made the presentation.  About 15 years ago, three houses were built with septic systems and water.  However, these lots were never recorded and no Mylars or Deeds were filed.  Ownership of a portion of Lot 4 is contested. The contested portion is in the swamp area.  The goal of the Hearing is to legitimize the three lots and to have the 4th lot for a future building site.  All of the lots meet the current Zoning Regulations.  All the lots meet the 2 acre minimum for density calculations.  There are no State Permits yet for the proposed fourth lot. 


C. Rainville questioned how a lot can be approved when part of the land is contested.  It would be difficult to determine the boundary line. A condition of project approval could specify that nothing could be built on the contested portion of the property.  The Town will not take responsibility for the boundary line.  N. Benoit has been paying taxes on the whole property, including the contested portion of Lot 4.   Wetlands delineation has been done.   Mr. Giard mentioned Wetland Tax Programs may be available.  B. Murphy asked about a lot 4 shed showing on  the map.  It belongs to a neighbor. No site visit required at this time. The project was classified as a Minor Subdivision.  The Board agreed that the project can go on for a Final Plat Hearing.



   1.   On Plat and Site Plan, do not show the land on the other side of the street as part of this project.

   2.   On Plat and Site Plan, include clear legend specifying details.

   3.   On Plat and Site Plan, include total acreage for all lots combined (East of Cherrierville Road).

   4.   On Site Plan, show total acreage for Lot 4 on Sheet 1.

   4.   On Plat and Site Plan, clearly denote disputed area.  There can be no building envelopes, septic, or wells

             in disputed area.

   5.   Road Access Permit to be submitted to, and approved by, the Selectboard. 



   1.  Copy of minutes from October 15, 2003, with advice from the Vermont League of Cities and Town’s

        Judicial Assistance Center,  regarding contested boundaries.



Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Raymond, Zoning and Planning Assistant



Approved:  ________________________________  Date:  _________________2010

                    For the Development Review Board



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting. 

All motions were unanimously approved unless otherwise indicated. 






Members Present: J. Heyer, B. Murphy, J. Beers, C. Rainville

Public Present: S. Taylor, Z.A; M. Varney; K. Boutin; J. Thompson


8:00 PM    The public notice was read and attendees signed in. Interested parties were sworn in. J. Thompson made the presentation.  In 2005 when the original 3 lot subdivision was approved, the Thompsons proposed a new driveway to serve all three lots, and the removal of the current driveway which serves their home on Lot 1.  They have determined that using the new driveway to access their current home on Lot 1 would require constructing a drive across the pipeline connecting their septic tank to their leach field.  They would like to avoid any possible problems associated with crossing this septic line by asking for approval to retain the original driveway for Lot 1 and only using the previously approved new driveway for Lots 2 and 3. 


J. Heyer asked about the distance between the Thompson’s driveway and the new driveway.  It is at least 100 feet.  J. Heyer also asked about the septic line.  The pipe is near the top of the ground per K. Boutin.  The applicants are requesting that the Finding from 2005, to remove the existing driveway, be removed from the

Findings of Fact and Order.   


J. Beers made a motion to close the hearing to public input and move to deliberative. C. Rainville second.  All in favor.  




Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Raymond, Zoning and Planning Assistant



Approved:  ________________________________  Date:  _________________2010

                    For the Development Review Board



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting. 

All motions were unanimously approved unless otherwise indicated.