Members Present: J. Heyer, B. Murphy, C. Rainville, J. Beers, C. Streets

Public Present:  S. Taylor, ZA


7:00 PM            J. Heyer called the meeting to order. The minutes from March 19, 2008 were reviewed. 

B. Murphy made a motion to accept the general minutes from March 19, 2008. C. Rainville second.

J. Heyer, B. Murphy, C. Rainville, and J. Beers in favor.  B. Murphy made a motion to accept the Pease-Stratton/McNamara minutes from March 19, 2008. J. Beers second. J. Heyer, B. Murphy, C. Rainville, and J. Beers in favor. C. Rainville made a motion to accept Kranz minutes from March 19, 2008. J. Beers  second. J. Heyer, B. Murphy, C. Rainville, and J. Beers in favor.  B. Murphy made a motion to accept the Bessette minutes from March 19, 2008. C. Rainville second. J. Heyer, B. Murphy, C. Rainville, and J. Beers in favor.   B. Murphy made a motion to accept the Fairfax Investments minutes from March 19, 2008.

J. Beers second. J. Heyer, B. Murphy, C. Rainville, and J. Beers in favor. 


Three projects were scheduled for May 21, 2008: Cassidy Estates, Preliminary Plat; Fairfax Investments, Preliminary Plat; and Beaumier, Conditional Use for a school.  The Morin’s request for a six month extension was reviewed.  C. Streets made a motion to approve a six month extension for the Morin project.  B. Murphy second.  All in favor.  J. Heyer signed a letter of approval. There was a general discussion on the issue of setbacks.  S. Taylor, ZA presented the Board with a summary of research he had done.  He also gave the Board a copy of an e-mail received from NRPC (both C. Dimitruk and G. Brunswick) regarding the issue.






8:30 PM  S. Jones arrived. 



8:55 PM  There was general discussion on trees planted in developments.  S. Taylor said it would be better if a  consultant would be brought in to determine the right type of trees.  Many times a developer will plant the cheapest, fastest growing trees that are all the same variety, which subjects them to all die if one is subject to disease. Again setbacks regarding roads and driveways were discussed in general. 


9:10 PM  C. Streets made a motion to adjourn.  C. Rainville second.  All in favor.



Respectfully Submitted,    

Cathy Raymond, Planning and Zoning Assistant




Approved:  ________________________________  Date:  _________________2008

                    For the Development Review Board


These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting. 

All motions were unanimously approved unless otherwise indicated. 







DRB Roll Call: J. Heyer, B. Murphy, C. Rainville, J. Beers, C. Streets

Public Present: S. Taylor, Z.A.; M. Dunbar; C. Smail


7:15 PM             J. Heyer called the hearing to order. The public notice was read and attendees signed in. Interested parties were sworn in.  C. Smail made the presentation.  The upgrading of Rounds Road was discussed, as well as the telephone poles in the center of Rounds Road Extension.  M. Dunbar said the extension began at an old cul-de-sac.  S. Taylor said that Rounds Road is a private road that does not meet current Town Standards.  B. Murphy stated that all of Rounds Road would need to be upgraded to Town’s A76 Standards, as the applicant would be adding two more homes.  The McGinn Development, also on Rounds Road was discussed. It was brought up that there may be an easement along the power lines to another property.  The steep grade of the road was discussed. Mr. Dunbar noted concerns about widening the road for a 60 foot ROW, especially at the bottom of the road.  S. Taylor asked if the road could be moved so the existing power lines would not be a factor.  That would create different easement areas and density calculations, but it may be a possibility. The subject of trash collection was brought up.  Mr. Smail was concerned about finding a suitable area for a collection site due to drainage issues at bottom of road.  It was brought up that the owners of the new lots would need to be part of the Homeowners Association.  Mr. Smail asked about the possibility of leveling some of the land to improve the lots around the proposed houses. S. Taylor looked up the Subdivision Regulations and read Article I, Section 105: “No grading, clearing, construction or other improvements related to the subdivision shall be undertaken, … until the project receives Final Approval from the Development Review Board.” 


The project was classified as a Minor Subdivision.  B. Murphy made a motion to accept the Sketch Plan as submitted for the Smail project with the action items and/or changes as noted during the hearing.  C. Streets second.  All in favor.  A site visit was scheduled for Sunday, May 18, 2008 at 1:00 PM.



1.  Findings of Fact and Order for Tammy M. and John R. McGinn, Revision 3 Lot Minor Subdivision, April 20, 2005.

2.  Memo and sketch, dated Nov. 22, 2004 from Jim Field – Fairfax Fire Chief, regarding Rounds Rd. & Rounds Rd.


3.  Hand written letter dated Oct. 28, 2004 from Jim Field – Fairfax Fire Chief, regarding Rounds Rd. & Rounds Rd.





1.  All adjoiners names to be shown on Plat.

2.  Resolve trash issue: submit a plan for a trash enclosure, or submit letter from current trash hauler agreeing to drive up

     private road.

3.  Copy of letter from Power Company outlining their requirements for the power lines in the middle of the roadway.

4.  The following items need to be shown on the Plat: 

            a) Density calculations for all three lots.  

            b) Delineation of natural features as specified in the Fairfax Subdivision Regulations Article II, Section 201.7

                 including, but not limited to, slopes of greater than 25%.

            c) Utility easements.



 Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Raymond, Zoning and Planning Assistant


Approved:  ________________________________  Date:  _________________2008

                    For the Development Review Board



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting. 

All motions were unanimously approved unless otherwise indicated. 





DRB Roll Call: J. Heyer, B. Murphy, C. Rainville, J. Beers, C. Streets

Public Present: S. Taylor, Z.A.; P. Palmer; P. Supernault


8:15 PM             J. Heyer called the hearing to order. The public notice was read and attendees signed in. Interested parties were sworn in.  B. Murphy asked about the site visit that was held on February 10, 2008.

J. Heyer read the site visit write-up. J. Beers questioned the width of the driveway ROW. There is a steep banking on one side.  Easements were discussed.  B. Murphy asked about the frontage. There is only 192 feet of frontage along Wilkins Road for one of the lots. The ROW can be used as an alternative to the road frontage requirement.  J. Beers mentioned the lot was not land locked.   The brook was discussed.  They would need State Permission to cross Wilkins Brook, and it would be very expensive.  C. Rainville asked about the grade to the second lot, as it is very steep.  S. Taylor said that no grade is specified in the Bylaws for driveways, but it may be difficult to access for emergency vehicles.  P. Palmer talked about drainage, excavating, and slopes. The issue of setbacks was discussed.  The ROW will not be accessed by the public, but will be a private Driveway.

J. Beers expressed concern about the short distance between the driveway and the garage.  P. Palmer and

P. Supernault mentioned that the snow banks made the distance look closer than it actually was, and that there was room for a log truck to drive up and park behind the garage. S. Taylor suggested that the actual widths

between the ROW easement and all structures be shown on the final paper survey map.  B. Murphy asked for an enclosed trash collection area to be put up along Wilkins Road. C. Streets made a motion to close the hearing to public input and move to deliberative.  C. Rainville second.  All in favor.   




Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Raymond, Zoning and Planning Assistant



Approved:  ________________________________  Date:  _________________2008

                    For the Development Review Board



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting. 

All motions were unanimously approved unless otherwise indicated. 







DRB Roll Call: J. Heyer, B. Murphy, C. Rainville, C. Streets

Alternate Present:  S. Jones

Public Present: S. Taylor, Z.A.; J. Beers; B. Superneau


8:15 PM             J. Heyer called the hearing to order. The public notice was read and attendees signed in. Interested parties were sworn in.  B. Superneau, representing the applicants, made the presentation.  Due to a safety issue, the Fairfax Road Forman recommended that the road be moved approximately 40 feet.  This was done.  The density calculations were re-done and lot sizes changed.  The Engineering Plan needed to be changed to match the Mylar that was previously presented to the Board for signature.  B. Murphy questioned the 200 foot frontage, for the map looked like it was shorter than that.  She measured the distance referencing the scale and thought it was the correct distance.  S. Jones made a motion to approve the preliminary, close the hearing to public input and move to deliberative.  B. Murphy second.  All in favor.


Exhibit Received:

            1.  Survey map by David Tudhope dated 02/02/2008, submitted on 02/20/2008, given back to Mr.

                Superneau, and then re-submitted at the re-opened hearing. 






Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Raymond, Zoning and Planning Assistant



Approved:  ________________________________  Date:  _________________2008

                    For the Development Review Board



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting. 

All motions were unanimously approved unless otherwise indicated.