Members Present: J. Heyer, B. Murphy, J. Beers, C. Rainville, M. Varney

Public Present:  S. Taylor, ZA


7:00 PM   J. Heyer called the meeting to order.  The minutes from June 9, 2010 were reviewed. B. Murphy made a motion to approve the General Minutes and the Rooney Revision Minutes from June 9, 2010.    

C. Rainville second.  All in favor.  There are no hearings scheduled for August 4, 2010, however the Board will review and write comments on the Fairfax Regulations.   There are two hearings added to the schedule for August 18, 2010:  1)  Ross/Boutin, Administrative Review of a two lot subdivision 2)  Henning, Final Plat Hearing for a 4 lot PUD.   


S. Taylor asked the Board for advice regarding a possible future Boundary Adjustment and Subdivision.  After much discussion, the Board suggested it would be in the Applicants best interest to wait until after the Regulations have been revised due to a future possible change in road frontage requirements.




7:25 PM – J. Beers made a motion to enter deliberative session. M. Varney second. All in favor. 

8:12 PM - B. Murphy made a motion to exit deliberative session.  J. Beers second. All in favor.




9:35 PM – J. Beers made a motion to enter deliberative session. B. Murphy second. All in favor. 

9:40 PM – J. Beers made a motion to exit deliberative session.  B. Murphy second. All in favor.


9:47  PM  C. Rainville made a motion to adjourn.  M. Varney second.  All in favor. 




Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Raymond, Zoning and Planning Assistant




Approved:  ________________________________  Date:  _________________2010

                    For the Development Review Board



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting. 

All motions were unanimously approved unless otherwise indicated.





Members Present: J. Heyer, B. Murphy, J. Beers, C. Rainville, M. Varney

Public Present: S. Taylor, Z.A; P. Lavallee;  M. Averill


7:15 PM    Introductions were made, the Public Notice was read, and attendees signed in. Interested parties were sworn in. M. Averill, Engineer made the presentation.  All the action items from the Sketch Review Hearings have been resolved.  The shape of the new lot has been changed slightly to allow the septic to be put on that lot. 

The State Wetlands expert has been to the property.  The springs were discussed.  Spring A was tested and proved to be adequate. The State Waste Water Permit is pending.  The small triangle of unusable land along Route 104 was discussed.  It is not part of the Flanders property. 


7:25 PM   J. Beers made a motion to close the hearing to public input and move to deliberative.  M. Varney second.  All in favor.    




Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Raymond, Zoning and Planning Assistant


Approved:  ________________________________  Date:  _________________2010

                    For the Development Review Board



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting. 

All motions were unanimously approved unless otherwise indicated.



                  1286 MAIN STREET


Members Present: J. Heyer, B. Murphy, J. Beers, C. Rainville, M. Varney

Public Present: S. Taylor, Z.A; P. Lavallee; J. Hochberg; E. Parker; W. Parker; K. Jenness; A. Senecal; C. Collins


7:15 PM    Introductions were made, the Public Notice was read, and attendees signed in. Interested parties were sworn in.

C. Collins, Engineer made the presentation.  The purpose of the revision is to reconfigure the development to meet the Town and

Act 250 requirement for single story buildings with a building height not to exceed 21 feet.  The proposal would reduce the number of units from 19 to 18 - all duplexes.  All homes are on one lot, with each homeowner owning a share of the overall acreage.  Sidewalks, common land, storm water, and well water issues were all discussed in detail.  Act 250 required the developer to escrow money to cover possible well water issues for certain neighboring properties for five years.


The following interested parties each voiced their questions and concerns regarding the project:

W. Parker:  Water Problems; water pressure issues; safety of retention pond; recreational use of woods for neighbors of development

E. Parker: If water problems, how will escrow money be used? (examples given were for hydro-fraction  and water storage)

P. Lavallee:  Water pressure; sidewalks – he believes that every home should have a sidewalk in front; questioned water storage tank

              (it will be underground); incorrect lot line at his home showing on Plat; Location of hedges.

J. Hochberg:  Yield of well over time; order and timing of construction;

K. Jenness: Concerned about digging for pump station in front of her business; culverts; privacy from development (a hedge will be                 put  up along property line)

A. Senecal – Developer:  Clarified various points of discussion


A letter from the Selectboard was read regarding Town of Fairfax Septic System Issues.  The following items were submitted into evidence:

                1)  Letter to DRB from Selectboard, regarding Town of Fairfax Septic System, signed July 19, 2010

                2)  Letter to Ruggiano Engineering from Randy DeVine, Superintendent Wastewater Treatment Facility, signed 07/19/2010.


The following items were identified as possible conditions:

                1) Extend Sidewalk – to be shown on final Paper Map and Mylar.

                2)  Resolution of Septic Issue with the Town of Fairfax, before any Building Permit would be issued.



B. Murphy made a motion to close the hearing to public input and move to deliberative.  M. Varney second. 

All in favor.   




Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Raymond, Zoning and Planning Assistant


Approved:  ________________________________  Date:  _________________2010

                        For the Development Review Board



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting. 

All motions were unanimously approved unless otherwise indicated.