Members Present: J. Heyer, B. Murphy, C. Rainville, M. Varney, J. Beers

Alternate Present: None

Public Present:  S. Taylor, ZA, Vincent and Mary Beth Redding


7:00 PM   J. Heyer called the meeting to order. There was discussion regarding recognition for a recently resigned employee.


The minutes from October 20, 2010 were reviewed. J. Beers made a motion to approve the Minutes

from October 20, 2010.   M. Varney second.  All in favor. 


The Board decided not to have a representative participate in the hiring process for the Zoning

And Planning Assistant



7:15   Billado and Palmer (Saxon Oaks Co.) Final Plat Hearing for a 5 Lot PUD at

44 Goose Pond Road


8:30PM. J. Heyer made a motion to adjourn.  M. Varney second.  All in favor. 



Respectfully Submitted,

Barbara Murphy, Vice Chair




Approved:  ________________________________  Date:  _________________2010

                    For the Development Review Board



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting. 

All motions were unanimously approved unless otherwise indicated.



Billado and Palmer (Saxon Oaks Co.) Final Plat Hearing for a 5 Lot PUD at 44 Goose Pond Rd.


Members Present: J. Heyer, B. Murphy, C. Rainville, M. Varney, J. Beers

Alternate Present: None

Public Present: S. Taylor, Z.A; Deb Billado; Warren Palmer; Richard Couillard; Mary Beth Redding; Vincent Redding  (Two other individuals were present but did not sign in.)




7:45 PM    Introductions were made, the Public Notice was read, and attendees signed in. Interested parties were sworn in.  Warren Palmer made the presentation.  He explained the differences from Sketch Plan.  1.)  The Road location has changed.  2.)  The lots have been reconfigured due to steep slopes.  3.) Septic systems have been relocated and all are on their own lots except Lot 1’s which is on Lot 2.  4.) Easements are shown for electric service and sewer line from Lot 1 to Lot 2.  5.) House locations are further from the eastern boundary.  6.)  The center of the road is 25 feet from the eastern property line.


The size of the common land is approximately the same as at Sketch hearing (4.82 acres).


The steepest portion of the road is 10% grade.  Discussion followed regarding the closeness of the road to the property line. Skip Taylor asked the applicant if he could move the road 10 feet further from the property line to allow a vegetative buffer to be maintained, or planted if necessary.  He replied yes.  It was asked where the neighbors’ homes were relative to the property line but no exact answer was given.  New home locations will be within the building envelopes.


Sight distance to the left (east) along Goose Pond Road was discussed.  The Selectboard did not approve the access permit application, and submitted a photo suggesting that a tree obstructed the sight distance.  The Bylaws (page 72) call for a 200 foot all season safe sight distance.  Jason Heyer proposed recessing the hearing to November 17th at 7:15 PM to give the applicant time to resolve the sight distance issue.  Julie Beers so moved and Claude Rainville seconded, with all in favor, but the Board agreed to continue the discussion until all other issues were addressed.


Skip Taylor has the Covenants and Bylaws but the Board wanted them modified to include maintenance of the vegetative buffer.


Action Items for the reconvened hearing were discussed.

             1.  A revised plan adding a 10 foot buffer between the road Right-of-Way and the eastern property line

                  was requested.

             2.  The applicant would discuss (with the Road Foreman, and adjoining property owner and Selectboard

                  if necessary) and resolve the sight distance issue and obtain the approved Access Permit and Road


             3.  The applicant would amend the plan to include any proposed landscaping along the eastern property

                  line as needed to fill any gaps in the vegetative buffer.

             4.  The Covenants must be updated to protect the vegetative buffer




The Interested Persons were asked if they had anything to say or ask:


     Vincent Redding:      Was concerned about the impact of new wells on his well, and concerned about the

                                         proximity of proposed road to his home.  The applicant said that in his experience it

                                         was unlikely that the new wells would impact existing wells.

     Richard Couillard:   Expressed his concern about the new wells’ impact on his well.  He requested a new

                                         walkthrough to see the road and house locations.  The applicant informed him that

                                         the property line has been marked.  Richard was interested to know what kind and

                                         size of trees would be planted.  The applicant replied probably white pines, which

                                         can grow 4 feet per year.


The hearing was recessed as moved earlier.






Respectfully Submitted,

Barbara Murphy, Vice Chair




Approved:  ________________________________  Date:  _________________2010

                    For the Development Review Board



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting. 

All motions were unanimously approved unless otherwise indicated.