Planning Commission Minutes                     April 1, 2008     



PC MEMBERS PRESENT: G. Heyer, A. Lemieux, M. Hunziker

PUBLIC PRESENT:  S. Taylor, Z.A.; G. Brunswick, NRPC


7:35 PM   G. Heyer called the meeting to order.  The Minutes from March 18, 2008 were reviewed. A. Lemieux made a motion to approve the Minutes from March 18, 2008. 

M. Hunziker second. All in favor.


The Board worked with G. Brunswick to review and edit the “2008 Draft Fairfax Town Plan Goals and Policies”.  She gave the Board an updated version to work from.  Each chapter was reviewed in detail. Specific areas of discussion included the village center, and growth management.   Next meeting will focus on implementation strategies.



 9:45 PM  A. Lemieux made a motion to adjourn.  M. Hunziker second. All in favor.


The next meeting will be on April 15, 2008.




Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Raymond, Zoning and Planning Assistant




Approved_____________________________________ Date______________, 2008
