Tuesday, June 13, 2011


Members Present: G. Heyer, M. Hunziker, D. Brown, R. Wimble

Public Present: S. Taylor



Brandy Saxon(hired by the Town to assist the Selectboard and Planning Commission in producing a new Capital Budget) updated a joint meeting of the Selectboard and Planning Commission on the process of putting together and approving a Capital Budget:

-         The need to update demographics.

-         Update the inventory of Capital items identified by each department.

-         Putting together a potential projects list.

-         Prioritize projects.

Brandy first distributed preliminary copies of funding requests from each town department that she had compiled from meetings a few weeks previously.  These departments included Highway, Fire, Town Administration, Recreation, Utilities, and Schools.  She explained that there has been a slowdown in population growth but there has not been a slowdown in the number of housing units.  Housing units determine the Impact Fees.  Currently impact fees benefit the Highway and Recreation Departments and the schools.  There was discussion about including the Fire Department and a future Municipal Building construction as projects to include in future impact fees.  Impact fees can only be used to expand capacity, not to replace current expenditures.  The cost of increased capacity can be put toward impact fees. User-funded services cannot use impact fees.  Only taxpayer-funded projects can.

Brandy explained that the Capital Budget should refer back to the current Town Plan.  The Town has 6 years to spend an impact fee on a particular project.  If not spent in that time the fee must be returned.

New education funding laws will no longer allow impact fees to be used for new bonds.  Existing bonds, however, are still impact fee eligible (for example – the current school construction bond that will be paid off in 2019).

The Boards need to set priorities then have a public hearing to get public input before putting together a final budget.  The Selectboard and Planning Commission will need to review proposals and set priorities.  Brandy needs feedback from the Boards and will update some of the numbers.  She suggested a September deadline for a public hearing.  After that meeting, final numbers can be set and Brandy will then calculate the new impact fees.

7:55 PM: Information meeting ended.

8:00 PM;  G. Heyercalled the meeting to order.  S. Taylor presented a letter from the Development Review Board requesting a change in the language in the new Development Regulations (approved February 14, 2011) regarding the definition of non-conformity.  Skip explained that there had been a marked increase in requests for variances due to the interpretation of a diagram on page 39 of the Development Regulations that changed the interpretation of “the degree of non-conformity” in the new Regulations.  It was agreed that the illustration was the problem.  There was consensus that the caption under the diagram be changed to allow the previous interpretation.  G. Heyerrequested the DRB draft new language to show the PC at their next meeting.  In order to amend the Development Regulations 2 public hearing will be necessary, one each with  the Planning Commission and the Selectboard, before the Regulations can be changed.  This was preferable to an interim bylaw which would have to be redone every 2 years.  The Commission preferred to do it once and not have to revisit the subject in the future.


General minutes from April 12, 2011

M. Hunzikermoved to accept the minutes; D. Brown 2nd.  All in favor.G. Heyersigned the minutes.

There was general discussion on the Planning Commission’s role on forming the Capital Budget with the Selectboard.

The next Planning Commission meeting is tentatively set for July 12, 2011 at 7PM.  The meeting will include the proposed change to the Development Regulations (variances) and further discussion on the Capital Budget.

D. Brown asked about paving projects in town, specifically the proposed Swamp Rd/Fletcer Rd. intersection.

8:45 PM: D. Brown moved to adjourn;  R. Wimble 2nd.  All in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Martha Varney, Zoning and Planning Assistant


Approved: ______________________________, Date: _____________________________



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.