FAIRFAX PLANNING COMMISSION                              Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Members Present: G. Heyer; R. Wimble; M. Hunziker; D. Brown

Public Present: Skip Taylor, ZA; Katrina Antonovich, Recreation Director


7:02 PM- G. Heyer called the meeting to order.


Katrina Antonvich told the Board that the ‘Fit and Healthy’ grant awarded to the Fairfax Recreation Dept. would begin on July 1st, 2012.  Katrina will attend the next meeting of the Planning Commission with further updates.  Lisa Durocher, who will be writing the Fit and Healthy language for the Town Plan, will also attend.


D. Brown moved to accept the minutes from the May 8, 2012 meeting; R. Wimble 2nd.  All in favor.


Continued rewrite of 2008 Town Plan for 2013 update

Skip reviewed the copy, with suggested corrections and updates, for Chapter 11 (Land Use) in the 2008 Town Plan.


The Planning Commission decided to send Chapter 10 (Transportation) back to the Selectboard for additional updates.  Copy provided by Fairfax Rescue, the Fire Department, the Library, the Recreation Department, and FWSU was also reviewed.


The Board decided to send Chapter 12 (Compatibility WithThe Region and Adjacent Communities) to Northwest Regional Planning for updates.


Planning Commission members will review Chapter 13 (Implementation) for the next meeting.  There was additional discussion regarding photographs for the 2013 update.


The next meeting of the Fairfax Planning Commission will be July 24, 2012.


8:40 PM- M. Hunziker moved to adjourn; D. Brown 2nd.  All in favor.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha Varney, Planning and Zoning Assistant


Approved: _______________________________ Date: _________________

                        For the Planning Commission



These minutes are unofficial until the next regularly scheduled meeting.