A nice clear night with the temperature in the 20s. Bob Bessette and I left around 6:30 p.m.
We won't be doing much with names this year - and hopefully we have the right road names

Our first picture we took was of the tree in front of Fairfax Medical Associates on Main Street (The old Malcolm & Beulah Howard House which someone told me may have been one of those Sears Roebuck Houses you could purchase years ago).

We then drove up Ridgeview Road, a new development beyond where Charlotte McNall's trailer is and on what is or used to be the Schwartz property

Another House on Ridgeview Road where it was just a little windy

Now this house, although it didn't have any Christmas Lights struck our eye - maybe the big windows and high ceilings - must be a great view with a wee bit of wind

Then it was on to Bailey Road which is a development just across from where Maurice & Mary Ratte used to live years ago before Erden & Beata Bailey bought it

Everyone in this development was in a Christmas Spirit

even though we only took photos of three of the homes

We then went up Brick Church Road and took a left on what I think is Snowcrest Road where the house on the corner immediately caught our attention

Just a short ways up Snowcrest Road this house immediately caught out attention

Bob had noticed the Bill Blair garage & house all lit up on his way home from work, so we took a drive down there and snapped a photo of that -- very nice

The large house just beyond Florence Magnan's house was very tastefully done also, even though my photo doesn't do it justice

We decided we would take a picture of Walter Berthiume's cross on the barn, even though it remains there all year. This is the farm at the end of the Brick Church Road owned by Darrell Ovitt years ago

Pictured above is the Buck Hollow In, absolutely beautiful and welcoming

Jim & Laura Woodward had their place done with red lights and wreaths on the rail fence

The Betcher's House on the Sweet Slattery Road which was taken from some distance away.

The old Montgomery/Theoret house looked great as you start up the Buck Hollow Road. This is one of the older houses in town and the owners have done a great job restoring it.

Mark & Sheri Rainville's house on main street also stands out

As well as the old Clip & Rena Stewart Place

And the McGue/Rowell House

We arrived at Lee & Louise Minor's house just as they were unloading their car from what looked like a Christmas Shopping Trip -- Both looked a little bushed, but Lee asked me to wait a minute while he turned on all the lights.

The Marco/Lepel House on Hunt Street has to be taken from a distance in order to get all the lights, but well worth the drive by

Bob was quite sure this was the McGuiness House that sat majestically at the top of the hill off from Hunt Street - Not sure of the name of the street, but if you drive down Hunt Street it is off to the right.

As you drive up past the Country Pantry you will see on the right the above house.

And almost across the way on the left you will see the above house where the lights bring out the white birches

Henry A. Raymond
With Special Thanks To My Wife
Maryann who created this website about four years ago
And a special thanks to Bob Bessette for driving me around
December 22, 2005