Henry Raymond

Fairfax News => Current News & Events => Topic started by: Henry on February 05, 2004, 07:50:13 AM

Title: Update On Kyle
Post by: Henry on February 05, 2004, 07:50:13 AM
Hi Everyone!

Received the following note from Mary Beth regarding how Kyle is doing:
Just a quick update on Kyle's progress.  Just saw the surgeon this afternoon, and Kyle will need an additional surgery next Friday, the 13th, so that they can clip the bar and crimp it under so it doesn't stick out so much anymore.  Please keep the prayers coming!  He's feeling really well and has gained back 9 of the 13 pounds back that he lost during this time, so that's a good thing! Many thanks to those of you who came to visit or called him (it's really cheered him up!).  He's really starting to get bored because of being so limited, so the companionship is a big thumbs up!  Many thanks also to all of you that sent him the gifts...they have been Godsends!!  This will be a minor set back, but hopefully after this, it will be "smooth sailing"!  The surgery is on an outpatient basis, so he'll be home that night.  I'll keep you all posted!
Hope you are all well!