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Messages - FOFE

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FOFE's Halloween Party is today Saturday, October 25h!
4:30pm - 7:00pm in the Fletcher Elementary gym.
Suggested admission of a non-perishable food item and/or toiletry item, which will be used in our Community Holiday Giving Baskets.
Fun for everyone! Come in Costume! For ages Birth to Sixth Grade!
Musical Cakes, Crafts, Games, Prizes, Pumpkin Raffle and More!
Food will be available for purchase.
Haunted Hallway sponsored by the sixth grade will be open at the same time!

Fund Raisers / Bottle Drive-Fletcher 6th Grade
« on: January 07, 2014, 08:00:22 PM »
Fletcher 6th Grade Bottle/Can Drive
When:  This Weekend, Saturday, January 11th
Where:  Around Fletcher –we will come to your house.  Please leave bottles out marked with Sixth Grade on your porch or near your mailbox and we will pick it up, we also might knock and ask for a bottle donation.  Want to contact us to schedule a pickup?
 Call Chassidy at 802-734-31511 or Brenda at 802-782-0665
Times:  10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Proceeds:  To benefit Fletcher Elementary 6th Grade Class Trip

Announcements / Re: Christmas Trees and Wreaths--benefit Fletcher 6th Grade
« on: November 29, 2013, 10:57:02 AM »
BUMP!  Starts today...please consider supporting our class trip.

BUMP!  Starts today!!!!  Please consider supporting out class trip.

Fletcher Elementary 6th Grade
Christmas Tree & Wreath Sale
Please support our class trip by purchasing your Christmas tree or Wreath from us!

When: Nov. 29 + Nov. 30 + Dec. 1 + Dec. 7+ Dec. 8 + Dec. 14 + Dec. 15 + Dec. 21 +Dec. 22 (basically every Saturday and Sunday starting after Thanksgiving till the weekend before Christmas)

Times: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Where: Fletcher General Store

Questions: Want to pre-order a tree or wreath or can’t make those times?
Please contact Amanda at 802-782-3370
or email at amandaspiller1207@gmail.com

We will also have a bottle drive collection bin on site if you would like to donate your bottles and cans to us.

Announcements / Christmas Trees and Wreaths--benefit Fletcher 6th Grade
« on: November 17, 2013, 08:47:49 PM »
Fletcher Elementary 6th Grade
Christmas Tree & Wreath Sale
Please support our class trip by purchasing your Christmas tree or Wreath from us!

When: Nov. 29 + Nov. 30 + Dec. 1 + Dec. 7+ Dec. 8 + Dec. 14 + Dec. 15 + Dec. 21 +Dec. 22 (basically every Saturday and Sunday starting after Thanksgiving till the weekend before Christmas)

Times: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Where: Fletcher General Store

Questions: Want to pre-order a tree or wreath or can’t make those times?
Please contact Amanda at 802-782-3370
or email at amandaspiller1207@gmail.com

We will also have a bottle drive collection bin on site if you would like to donate your bottles and cans to us.

General Discussion / Re: Angelina's in Cambridge
« on: December 30, 2012, 08:55:21 PM »
And every Monday is 1/2 price pizza night.  Any large pizzas 1/2 price!

General Discussion / Re: Things I'd Like to See in Our Town
« on: January 11, 2012, 11:10:58 PM »
Just as an FYI- Friends of Fletcher Elementary (FOFE) received a grant last year from Lowe's and we have an ice rink available for use as well.  This rink is very similar to Westfords.  It is maintain by volunteers from the community.  We currently have no lights but we are working on that for the future. It is located at Fletcher Elementary to the left of the school on the soccer fields. 

And a BIG thank you to the Fairfax Fire Department for helping us fill it up!

Tara Sweet
FOFE Coordinator

TD Bank cards are still free.  I purchase them for work all the time.  They make great gifts and going away gifts at work!  And they are so easy to use.

Current News & Events / Re: Local Gift Tree??
« on: December 01, 2010, 08:04:28 PM »
FOFE-(known as Friends of Fletcher Elementary) does a Holiday food and gift drive for needy families in Fletcher.  We currently have 9 families we will be helping out.  Donations of food and gifts are gladly appreciated.  For additional information you can email or call me Tara Sweet at 644-5670.

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