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Messages - Willinreach

Pages: 1 2 [3]
General Discussion / Re: Fairpoint on Fletcher / Fairfax Road
« on: February 10, 2011, 04:46:25 AM »
I have heard from a FairPoint employee and others that that spool of five optic cable is going to be connected to the phone switch in front of the general store by June and that DSL service well be available within a certain radius of the store.

I have also heard from a reliable source that GlobalNet has increased their bandwidth, which should provide customers with speeds close to what they expect now, and will be offering 10Mbps wireless service in the coming weeks.

Things after looking better for high speed internet in Fletcher all the time now!

I spoke with Paul at Globalnet today and he took my info, said upgrades should be done soon but couldn't give me any specifics about what is being upgraded.  A 10.0 option would be fantastic, I might actually see real speeds above 1.0 then.  I'm presently on their silver plus (2.0) plan and not getting anywhere close to that.  I just did a test and got .26 :(


Do you know if Globalnet has expanded there coverage in the area?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know, you need to be able to see Mt. Mansfield or be able to catch a signal from the tower on Spaulding Road.

General Discussion / Re: Fairpoint on Fletcher / Fairfax Road
« on: February 09, 2011, 08:48:01 PM »
You can be up to 3 miles from the Fairfax CO when we got DSL.  We (Henry, my Dad & I) are 1.3 miles from the Fletcher General store.  This is great news for Fletcher residents!

I'm roughly 0.8 miles from Fletcher General and I can't wait for them to finish there work.

When I picked my daughter up from school this afternoon, I saw that they were working on the transmitter box in front of the store.  I keep hearing June as a completing date, but maybe they will be done earlier.

In the mean time, I picked up a Broadband 3G Mifi router from Virgin Mobile last week and it's working pretty good.  According to Sprints coverage map (Virgin Mobile uses Sprints 3G service), my house is the last spot to pick up 3G coverage.

It's $40.00 a month with no contract and it use to be unlimited, but they decided to put a 5GB cap on it starting February 15th....

It will do just fine until we get hooked up with Fairpoint.

General Discussion / Fairpoint on Fletcher / Fairfax Road
« on: February 05, 2011, 06:23:59 PM »
Hello Everyone.

I am new to the board...  1st post.  Glad to see that there is a forum for Fairfax residents, even though I live in Fletcher.

If any of you live or travel on Fletcher / Fairfax Road, you might have noticed a huge spool of cable on the side of the road that Fairpoint has been running.

Do any of you know if this cable is for High Speed Internet and how far they plan on going with it?

I am located right on the Fairfax / Fletcher boarder; a couple houses before Meadow Brook Lane.

A few weeks back, I noticed crews going through removing branches around the power lines, so I can only assume they are headed right up to school road.

I was in contact with a rep from Fairpoint and she told me that High Speed Internet would be available up this way by the end of June, but a rep last March told me that by the end of 3rd quarter of 2010, high speed would be available and that did not happen.

Just curious if any of you know if this cable is indeed for high speed internet and how far they plan on going with it and if anyone knows when they plan on finishing this project.

Thank you in advance.


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