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: Fiscal cliff  ( 5436 )
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« : December 31, 2012, 08:04:32 PM »

At midnight tonight when a series of automatic spending cuts and tax hikes take effect because of or federal elected officials inability to do their job; they will have sealed their fate with me.

I promise to each and every one of them that I will never again lend them my vote.  I don't care what party they below to.

In the real world, if you are unable or unwilling  to do your job; you get fired. Since our elected officials seem unwilling to do their job; which may involve a compromise,  I plan to fire them as my representatives.

I am but one vote , but I hope others will join in so we can be heard.

Oh and by the way, happy new year.

« #1 : December 31, 2012, 08:24:20 PM »

As painful as it is, in my opinion, we need this. If this is the only way to get the spending cuts that are needed, then so be it. And to be honest, it is good that everyone is going to have some skin in the game. Now we'll see how everyone who voted for this regime, feels about "fair share". I also am hoping that the Congress now holds firm on the debt ceiling and does not raise it. Sure we may get downgraded on our credit rating, but in the long run, for our children, grandchildren and future generations, we owe it to them to assume some pain. They do not deserve to be burdened with the absolute selfishness of previous generations.

As far as your vote, a single vote, and whether it counts or not.... I am with you. So there is two votes.

Make sure your seatbelts are fastened, tray tables and window shades are in the upright position, the landing could be rough.
Sr. Member
: 393

« #2 : December 31, 2012, 10:17:18 PM »

I'll join both. I also heard talk of a simpler tax code. look at all the time and money wasted on the fiscal cliff and its repurcutions. Problem is, the could just override everything and push it out. it's amazing that all the time they should have been working on this they were pushing Internet laws no one wanted on top of other trash.

« #3 : January 01, 2013, 07:18:02 AM »

Well the Republicans in senate caved. $620 billion in new taxes and $15 billion in spending cuts. But tax increases on those rotten rich millionaires (nowl defined in Democrat language as someone who makes $450,000 a year, previously defined as a person making $250,000) should make the libs happy. Not sure how that math works out, but oh well. So that comes out to a $41 dollar tax hike for every $1 dollar in cuts. Math like that ain't gonna help us out in the long run.

I am still hoping Congress shoots it down. And plays hardball with the debt ceiling as well. Everyone has to have some skin in the "pain game".

A simplified tax code would help, but we don't have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem. It is simple.... why we continue to elect officials who cannot balance the checkbook is a very disturbing thing.

A good thing, and probably the only good thing out of the Senate bill, is that it requires that the pay raises for the idiots in DC, to be turned off.
rod anode
Hero Member
: 1141

meathead,: dead from the neck up!

« #4 : January 01, 2013, 03:55:07 PM »

and i didnt get my road paved??????????????go figure but they were able to secure money for some foolish project for the farmers

« #5 : January 02, 2013, 06:28:31 AM »

So congress caves as well, and we avoid the fiscal cliff. Except those idiots cannot see the forest through the trees. The real "fiscal cliff" is our national debt. This deal, just added on another $4 trillion, over 10 years to our national debt, not even including the annual deficit of over $1 trillion dollars. This is absolutely criminal and insane.

But Comrade Obama, has won his first round of class warfare, and immediately jetted off to Hawaii (again, on our dime) to finish his vacation.

These criminals down there in the District of Corruption, should all be jettisoned overboard. They are not held accountable for any of their pathetic work.

Every child born into this country, now, at the moment of birth, is indebted to this government for $51,000. Is there not something inherently wrong with that? 

rod anode
Hero Member
: 1141

meathead,: dead from the neck up!

« #6 : January 03, 2013, 05:43:17 PM »

what do you think will happen over the next 2 years???? should we arm ourselves????

« #7 : January 04, 2013, 06:02:12 AM »


     You can start by watching this video and understand what you are up against. http://vimeo.com/52009124

     Stop by the house for a cup of coffee one of these days, and we can talk. The real problem is, no one is upset with what is actually occuring. No one can grasp 16.4+ trillion in debt and growing by the minute. No one wants to make any sacrifices now for the future generations, they are much more willing to keep laying more debt on our children, who have no say in any of the decisions being made.

      The next couple of years ahead, will have Comrade Obama continuing his push towards complete government control. Continued devaluation of our dollar, massive deficits, an out of control debt, more Quantitative Easing (printing money to monetize our debt and devalue our currency), continued financial aid to foreign governments who hate America, a full on frontal assault of our Rights, as defined in the Constitution (Bill of Rights).

       And of course, increased taxes on everyone.... no longer will they go after just those rotten rich folks. In order to fund this agenda they will need to get more and more money from EVERYONE. And the sheep will just continue to follow.
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